@article{oai:aino.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000410, author = {HAYAKAWA, Rika and NAKAJIMA, Hisako and TSUCHIYA, Kikuyo}, journal = {Aino journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {With prolonged treatment, home-care patients and caregivers experience an age-related decline in physical strength, economic change, and a change in the family structure and relationships. Nurses are required to cope with the needs of the family appropriately in accordance with the changes and stages of the home-care patients and their families. In particular, patients with an incurable neurological disease suffer marked damage that impacts their swallowing and respiratory functions associated with disease progression. Thus, careful observation and support tailored to each stage are necessary. This paper focuses on long-term support for a patient with an incurable disease and discusses nursing tailored to her family's life stage., 10, KJ00010274719, P, Original}, title = {Nursing support for a patient with an incurable disease and her family, with consideration of their life stage -- Based on support provided for a spinocerebellar degeneration patient and her family during home care --}, volume = {13}, year = {2015} }