@article{oai:aino.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000344, author = {FUJIMOTO, Etsuko and SASAKI, Ryo and ARITA, Hiromi and OHSHIMA, Chika}, journal = {Aino journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {A hot-pack made of a dense polymer and covered with a cloth was manufactured as a warming instrument. This hot-pack can be readily warmed in a microwave oven. The present study was performed to examine the effects of warming the lower limbs using this hot-pack on the temperature and blood flow at various sites including the toe, mid-thigh, chest, and forehead. The results were as follows: 1. Hot-pack warming raised the deep body temperature. 2. Lower limb warming by the hot-pack increased the blood flow, by which the increase in temperature spread to the central part of the body. 3. The deep body temperature fell following the removal of the hot-pack, and, in addition, by sweating. It is suggested that hot-pack warming might be useful for inducing sleep in elderly people., 5, KJ00007501939, P, Original article}, title = {The effect of hot-pack warming on the deep body temperature -for the development of a nursing care instrument to induce sleep-}, volume = {7}, year = {2009} }