@article{oai:aino.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000298, author = {KIMURA, Satoshi}, journal = {Aino journal}, month = {}, note = {First, I clarified the difference between 'depression' and 'depressive state'. This differential diagnosis is needed, because the different diseases require different treatment methods. Second, typical depression was described based on Tellenbach's work. Third, previous studies concerning the personalities of patients were explained. Fourth, the therapy was explained, which included resting, and pharmacological and psychological treatments. In psychological treatments, aggression and self-esteem are important. Fifth, the distinction between depression and depression-like diseases was made. Finally, it was emphasized that attention should be paid to the risk of suicide, especially at the very end of therapy., 9, KJ00004437033, P, Lecture}, title = {Some notes on depression : for the appropriate treatment}, volume = {4}, year = {2005} }