@article{oai:aino.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000278, author = {KINEBANIAN, Astrid and BONTJE, Peter and ANDEWEG, Rob and SATINK, Ton}, journal = {Aino journal}, month = {}, note = {The sixth cohort of students started in September 2004 the European Master of Science in Occupational Therapy. Four cohorts graduated since the start of this program in 1999. This masters program fulfils the need for advanced education in Occupational Therapy in Europe. The program attunes to international developments in higher education, being a "joint-degree" carried out in co-operation with four institutions of higher education in four the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and the United Kingdom. A survey among graduates and their employers showed that the graduates as well as their employers judge this Master of Science program as valuable and effective. This article introduces this Occupational Therapy Euro-master course to a Japanese audience., 8, KJ00004291412, P, Review}, title = {Attending the European Master of Science in Occupational Therapy : A valuable and effective occupation}, volume = {3}, year = {2004} }